FAQs for Product Services Shipment Customization

You can find related answers below or contact our team at sales@kuruipcba.com.
Otherwise, you can also leave your infos by click below button. 

Do you have minimum order quantity?

There’s no special requirements for order quantity. We’re open to all potential business relationship and we accept any order quantity from our customers. 

Do you charge for samples?

  • If you’re looking for standard mobile battery protection boards for iPhone/Xiaomi/OPPO/VIVO/Samsung,  samples are free. Please provide your DHL/FedEx /TNT freight collect account. A proper Express fee needs to be charged if you do not have an account.
  • If your sample needs to be customized, we will charge the sample fee before the order, which will be refunded after you place batch production. 

What's your shipping time for samples?

  • 2-3 days for our standard board. Such as iPhone/Xiaomi/OPPO/VIVO/Samsung battery protection boards.
  • 5-10 days for customized board. It depends on whether we have existing materials to make the custom board.

Do you have a price list?

  • For standard item, please contact our team at sales@kuruipcba.com to get a price list as reference.
  • For customized item, there’s no price list. Please send us your specific requirements, our sales will quote for you.

What's your shipping time for mass production?

  • 10-12 days for standard product with materials in stock.
  • 15-20 days for standard product without materials in stock.
  • 20-25 days for customized items with specific components.

What infos shall I provide to custom board?

Please send us your required voltage, current, functions, bom list if you have, etc. as more infos as possible. That will help our engineers to evaluate the cases and provide best solutions.

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